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And A Big 'F*ck You' To Steven Moffat, Who Says Doctor Who Should Never Be a Woman

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 9, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 9, 2015 |

The Comic-Con craziness has officially begun with a big ol’ Hall H bang. Today was the convention’s mega Doctor Who Panel, and let’s start off with the awesome. Like this trailer for the new season.

In the words of the Doctor, I want to kiss that trailer to death. And I want to kiss Maisie Williams to death, who only needed to show up for those last couple of seconds for fans to— as our Vanity Fair’s Joanna Robinson observed— go “absolutely ballistic, as they do when geek worlds collide.”

What I do NOT want to kiss to death (well, at least not the kiss part) is Steven Moffat’s A to a fan’s Q about when the hell we’re going to get a female Doctor. That’s fan’s question, by the way, was met with huge cheers and applause from the audience. Yet Moffat, who waited four years into his turn as showrunner to hire a female writer, has never hidden the fact that he’s not crazy about the idea of a lady Doctor. Still, he’s danced around it, implied that he would just need to find the right actress (so difficult to find, I’m sure *eye roll*), and at least tried to invent various reasons that sound better than “I don’t wanna.” Until today. He didn’t give a reason. His answer (via Vulture) is basically just a big, ultra-condescending NO.

Well, I think my opinion is fairly obvious from the show, isn’t it? What I think about the possibility, and whether it would work or not? I think I’ve expressed myself about as clearly as I could, in the context of the show. If you’re not reading the subtext, then I’ll lend you. But believe me, some people aren’t reading that subtext, ‘cause it’s too subtle.

Other members of the panel tried to lighten the mood, with Jenna Coleman saying she’s “sure it will happen at some point,” Michelle Gomez joking that she was going to “reveal [herself] as a man today,” and Capaldi suggesting maybe he should do a “drag episode.”
