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An Extra Devastating Week In 'Seriously, Fuck That Guy'

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 14, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 14, 2016 |

Usually, our semi-regular “Fuck That Guy” posts are a roundup of the things and people and events that deserve our strongest ire in a week. But this week (and yes, I’m cheating and going back a bit further because it’s deserved and relevant and if only this force were relegated to a single week), there’s only one entry. One entity to which we give a huge, collective, screaming middle finger.

This week… It’s just cancer.




A brief unfortunate addendum, which you may have missed: actor Brian Bedford has also passed away this week at the age of 80, after a battle with cancer. You may not recognize the Tony award-winning actor’s name, since he spent his life primarily doing classical theatre, but he did have at least one role that almost certainly had an impact on your life: