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Add the Dalai Lama to the List Of Men Who Just Don't See the Point of Unattractive Women

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | September 22, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | September 22, 2015 |

It’s not news to learn that there are a disgustingly huge number of men who think that a woman is only useful if she’s attractive. Is she a brilliant actress or a hilarious comedian? A great mother? Cured cancer or mastered time travel? So what? If she didn’t do so with gorgeous hair and a great rack, they don’t want to have their time wasted. We’ve already talked today about Ernie Hudson’s hopes that “If [the new Ghostbusters are] not funny at least hopefully it’ll be sexy.” And of course Donald Trump has been topping this list lately, with his comments on Carly Fiorina’s face not being electable, then “apologizing” by saying no, she’s totally good looking— missing the whole point in that bangability is not a woman’s sole or even greatest asset. No surprise, though, considering Trump has made it clear that Trump doesn’t even know how to compliment his own daughter without going straight for super creepy incest remarks.

The latest man to join this list may be a bit of a surprise. Apparently the Dalai Lama also doesn’t see the point of an unattractive woman, or at least an unattractive spiritual leader. In an interview with the BBC, the Dalai Lama— who is the 14th incarnation of that title— was asked if there would be a fifteenth, and if so, could the next one be a woman? He replied sure! As long as she’s hot.

“Yes!” he replied. “The female biologically [has] more potential to show affection… and compassion.”

The Dalai Lama said that a reporter in Paris had asked him the same question awhile back, and he had responded similarly.

“Today in a more troubled world, I think females should take more important roles, and then I told that reporter, if a female Dalai Lama comes, their face should be very attractive.”

The interviewer here seemed understandably shocked, and determined to let the Dalai Lama off the hook. Maybe it was a language barrier thing?

“So you can only have a female Dalai Lama if they’re attractive? Is that what you’re saying?” asked Myrie, trying valiantly to let him take it back.

“I mean if female Dalai Lama come, then that female must be very attractive, otherwise not much use.”

“You’re joking, I’m assuming,” says Myrie. “Or you’re not joking?”

“No. True!”

Way to double down on stereotypes that women are inherently more compassionate than men, and also remind us that unless we’re leading a nation of Buddhists in full makeup and heels, we may as well just stay home.

Via Jezebel.