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A 'Star Wars' Facebook Mod Proves There Is No Place For Sexist Idiocy In This Galaxy

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | August 28, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | August 28, 2015 |

Last week, a fake Target community manager account won our hearts for its refusal to tolerate the dummies freaking out over the store’s decision to gender-neutralize its signage.

But now a real, official Star Wars page is stepping up its game in shutting down sexism as soon as it pops up. The Star Wars Facebook page put up this awesome artwork of Captain Phasma, the First Order baddie to be played by Gwendoline Christie in The Force Awakens.

Feeling inspired by Phasma? Your Star Wars: The Force Awakens-inspired art could land you a spot in a professional art…

Posted by Star Wars on Thursday, August 27, 2015

Of course, some people just can’t wrap their head around a female warrior without high heels, a visible belly button and a boob plate.


Boom. That’s you you tell a dumbass they’re being a dumbass. (Also, little tip: No one has ever started a sentence with “Not to be sexist but…” and then not been immediately sexist.) Whoever’s running this account seems to be enjoying their freedom of snark, though most of it is in cheeky good fun.

Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 11.49.22 AM.png

Though the best Star(casm) Wars shutdown of the week goes to The Lego Movie’s Chris Miller, whose also directing 2018’s “untitled Han Solo Star Wars anthology film.”

Via Hitfix.