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Why Did Joss Whedon Quit Twitter?

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | May 4, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | May 4, 2015 |

When The Mary Sue ran a piece in the last hour noting that Joss Whedon had deleted his Twitter account, I was temporarly confused. I’d read an EW interview with Whedon over the weekend from way back in January, and in it, Whedon had already mentioned that he’d quit Twitter.

But how could that be possible, I wondered, because Whedon recently generated controversy by Tweeting about the clip for Jurassic World, calling it sexist before later apologizing for bad form.

So, obviously, he hadn’t quit.

Now, apparently, he really has, as he’s officially deleted his Twitter account. Why? Probably for the exact same reason he had explained for why why he’d “quit” Twitter in January:

I joined six months ago to specifically try to drive business to Much Ado because I figured Much Ado needs all the help it can get. The moment I joined, oh my God, what a responsibility, this is enormous work—very fun, but it really started to take up a huge amount of my head space. I’m making a movie, I got a responsibility, this job doesn’t pay very well. It’s a fascinating medium, it’s a fascinating social phenomenon. People are like, “It’s like a drug.” Yeah, and it’s like a job. It’s just another art form. Until I have a script I truly believe in or a tweet that’s really remarkable, I can just walk away and get back to the storytelling I need to do.

Now that Avengers: Age of Ultron has made its debut, and obviously put up huge weekend numbers, Whedon clearly doesn’t need it to promote his film anymore, and now that he’s quit his “Twitter” job, he can begin work on day job: Writing and developing movies and television shows. Because honestly, if you don’t have to be on Twitter for work-related reasons, you really don’t need that sh*t. Just ask Michelle Beadle.

Plus, after the neverending Avengers: Age of Ultron tour, Whedon is probably sick of hearing himself speak.