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Which Film Character Does Marvel/Netflix Want to Crossover to Television?

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | June 3, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | June 3, 2015 |

In the wake of Netflix’s acclaimed Daredevil series, we can only assume the powers that be are ramping up ideas beyond the five originally slated series, and bringing in any MCU film characters would just be icing on that darkly delicious cake. Heroic Hollywood (Umberto Gonzalez’ — formerly of Latino Review — new site) claims to have the inside scoop on Marvel and Netflix’s Phase 2 plans, which include a film character crossover. As mentioned by Marvel’s Head of Television, Jeph Loeb, “co-mingling” was always part of the plan. Word is their next outing, AKA Jessica Jones will feature “a great deal” of Daredevil crossovers, and HH confirms those Elektra audition tapes were real.

As to which Marvel character is rumored to be at the top of the film to television crossover list, it’s a familiar — yet, new to the film universe — face they’d like to lure in for a Defenders appearance:


A Doctor Strange cameo is a damned nifty idea, but won’t someone think of Sherlock? If there are any more restraints on Benedict Cumberbatch’s scheduling, Moffat’ll masturbate himself into a deathgasm fantasizing over how long he can go between seasons. Hey…

Also rumored (albeit in the “pipe dream” category) for Phase 2 is a Netflix movie or miniseries featuring crossovers by Black Widow or Hawkeye. All I have to say about that is, if Natasha does a Marvel/Netflix television thing, it had better not be considered her standalone. We will accept NO LESS THAN A FEATURE, Marvel. And get on those Black Widow action figures, will you?

(via Heroic Hollywood)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)