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More Info About The Avengers New Super Twins

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | March 28, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | March 28, 2015 |

With only weeks to go until the Avengers: Age of Ultron release, we’ve got new information on two of the most prominent new characters in the film; Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Buzzfeed has a piece featuring information from Joss Whedon, Elizabeth Olsen, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson on the new characters (not in list format, in case you’re worried) that spells out some crucial information. Like the fact that Whedon has built a new origin story for the Maximoffs from the ground up, to avoid any hint of cross over with that other major comic book franchise that Quicksilver was recently featured in. It’s a good, long, piece, and also features the information that James Spader not only voiced Ultron but also performed the character via motion capture.

There’s also this short featurette about the twins where Taylor-Johnson and Olsen talk a bit more about who their characters are and how they’re used in the film. Like the interview linked above, there’s some information here that goes directly to the plot of the film, so if you’re super-spoiler averse then you probably don’t want to watch this.

Clearly, lots to look forward to on May 1st for the United Statesians. UK readers, try not to gloat too hard.