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Seth Meyers' Election Reaction Will Break Your Heart And Raise Your Spirits

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 10, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 10, 2016 |

I’m sure this is going to sound weird, possibly inappropriate, and maybe shallow, but in the shock, fear, and sadness of yesterday, one of things that I was dreading was watching Late Night with Seth Meyers because I honestly couldn’t imagine how he’d get through it. He’d covered the election and Trump nearly five times a week for nearly seventeen months. And he’d been brutal in his criticism of Trump. I was worried about having to watch his heartbreak and despair when I was so deep in the middle of mine.

But here’s the thing: Seth Meyers is a goddamn professional.

That’ll teach me to doubt the writing staff at Late Night. Well done, sir.

Here’s one other thing: yesterday was terrible. It was painful and scary. And I was kind to people. That might not sound like a big deal to those of you who don’t know me, but I’m not kind. I’m abrasive, impatient, and fall somewhere between a smartass and an asshole. But not yesterday. Yesterday, sensing that others needed to be treated more gently and needing some gentleness myself, I was considerate, outgoing, overly polite. God help me, I’ll say it: I was friendly. I smiled at people, I let someone in front of me in line for coffee, I chatted up the cashier at the grocery store. Because I wanted to limit the badness that I allowed into my day yesterday. And if the goal of the Trump campaign was this:


they fucked up big. I have never been more concerned with others’ feelings than I am right now. I spent the whole day wrapping myself in the kind of love and positive vibes for all of humanity that would make Trump supporters vomit. And then I gathered as much contact information for my local, state and federal representatives as I could find. Because nothing, not even this, will last forever.

Who ever you are, where ever you are, go get it.