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Samantha Bee Is Sorry She Broke America

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 10, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 10, 2016 |

Yesterday was awful. Many of us mourned the shocking results of the presidential election with tears, rage, remorse, and many, many lengthy Facebook posts. (Guilty.) Some of us joked, while others so raw with anger declared that wrong. But hey, we all process grief differently. Let’s not shame each other about how right now. Let’s take a breath. Let’s remember what unites us: a deep love of fierce feminist and unapologetically angry naturalized Canadian-American Samantha Bee, who last night managed to make us laugh through our tears and dry heaves.

On Full Frontal, she also laid down the cold hard truth: white people, we fucked up hard. “If Muslims have to take responsibility for every member of their community, so do we.”

We’re down. Really fucking down. Jesus fucking Christ what have we done down. But we’re not out. We still have great things in this country. There were wonderful wins on Tuesday. We owe them to keep fighting. We got some karma to work off.

Kristy Puchko has ingested more antacids and advil than food in the past 24 hours.