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KILL IT WITH FIRE: Nightmare Fuel Fisherman's Catches

By Bekka Supp | Horror | December 21, 2016 |

By Bekka Supp | Horror | December 21, 2016 |

Trigger Warning: This is the stuff from which nightmares are made. Or where Guillermo del Toro culls his ideas for his monsters.

(Publisher’s Note: She really means it when she says Trigger Warning. You have been warned and your complaints will fall on deaf ears if you read any further.)

And here you thought Putin was the worst thing to come out of Russia. Roman Fedortsov is a deep sea fisherman in Murmansk, Russia (of course.) As such, he regularly comes in contact with creatures that are at the very basic level, nightmare fuel.

So, for fun, Fedortsov shares photos of the unusual creatures he catches, whether a ghost shark with glowing eyes or an alien-esque underwater spider. Judging by these photos, I’m having a hard time believing that Murmansk isn’t the kaiju portal capital of the planet.

So, if you wanted to have some sushi today- sorry, I guess?

Good luck.