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Time to Bid Farewell to 'Hannibal'

By Genevieve Burgess | Hannibal | August 29, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Hannibal | August 29, 2015 |

Tonight is the finale of the series Hannibal. We knew this day would come, but that does not make it any less tragic. While it was disturbing at many times, I think a great number of us will miss our regular visits with the most urbane of cannibals.

Bryan Fuller has assured us that tonight’s episode was designed to function as a series finale if need be, so you don’t have to worry about anything being unpleasantly messy. Everything will end up just as it’s meant to.

And while it will hurt to let the show go…

…and we may selfishly worry about how we personally will carry on without it…

all things must end in their time.

Au revoir, my darlings.