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Netflix and Amazon Pass on 'Hannibal,' Which Is Looking Quite...Dead

By Cindy Davis | Hannibal | July 7, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Hannibal | July 7, 2015 |

You guys, things just aren’t looking good. I’ve been keeping an eye on DeLaurentiis Co and Bryan Fuller’s Twitter feeds, but with each passing day, I feel less and less hopeful. It’s not for lack of Fannibals, that’s for damned sure, but the two streaming outlets that were probably our best chances have officially passed on picking up Hannibal.

Yes, it does say they’re “still investigating possibilities,” but if I had to guess, I’d say that probably means something more along the lines of a film ending, which Fuller has said he’d also love to do.

If a cable outlet doesn’t swoop in pretty quickly, I’m afraid all those #Hannigram dreams are dead.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)