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Four New Clips to Whet Your Appetite for Tomorrow Night's 'Hannibal' Premiere

By Cindy Davis | Hannibal | June 3, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Hannibal | June 3, 2015 |

As most of you already know, Hannibal’s third season begins with “Antipasto,” tomorrow night at 10 pm (EST), and as if we weren’t already excited enough, NBC threw out a few more teasers by with footage from the actual premiere. So get yourself in the mood, line up your preferred drinks and snacks (what, you don’t eat during the show), and let’s get ready for the ride of our lives. We’re off to Italy, and later in the season we’ve a date with a non-Targaryen dragon.

Gorgeous clips, highlighted by Brian Reitzell’s equally beautiful score.

Next up, Scott Thompson’s post(pre?)-mortem with Bryan Fuller and writer/producer Steve Lightfoot is ***Very Spoilerish*** about how exactly the third season is split, including some specific information you may or may not want to know ahead of time. For the sake of anyone trying to avoid spoilers, please don’t discuss in the comments.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)