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Everything Hannibal Wore on 'Hannibal'

By Genevieve Burgess | Hannibal | August 30, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Hannibal | August 30, 2015 |

Entertainment Weekly has finally figured out what we all wanted after the series finale of Hannibal; an image round up of everything he’s worn on the show with sardonic comments about what his clothes (and occasionally the clothes of his companions) are communicating to us. Hannibal was a man of few words, particularly direct ones, so it’s not a surprise that he may have had another method of communication that he was using to send us and his acquaintances hints about his state of mind.

Here are some highlights:




And those are only a small sample from the first of four pages of this examination. Truly, it’s a glorious thing and worth looking at if only to gawk at the lushness of Hannibal’s suits and contemplate what the storage unit holding all that finery must look like.

h/t to commenter CaliCheeseSucks for this one.