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Dan Aykroyd Throws Butthurt Baby Men Under the Bus in Assessment of the New 'Ghostbusters'

By Dustin Rowles | Ghostbusters | May 31, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Ghostbusters | May 31, 2016 |

You know who has seen the new Ghostbusters? Dan Aykroyd. You know who loved the new Ghostbusters? Dan Aykroyd. In fact, the man who co-wrote and starred in the original Ghostbusters seems to have liked the new Ghosbusters better than the old Ghostbusters:

“Apart from brilliant, genuine performances from the cast both female and male, it has more laughs and more scares than the first 2 films plus Bill Murray is in it! As one of millions of man-fans and Ray Stantz, I’m paying to see that and bringing all my friends!”

So, the new Ghostbusters gets the seal of approval from the legendary Dan Aykroyd, one of the few people who has actually seen the movie and not just the trailer, so the controversy is over, right? All those butthurt men crying about the loss of their childhoods can breath a sigh of relief. Childhood saved! Women are funny! Aykroyd said so himself. Right!? Right?!

Oh wait, this is the Internet. MY BAD.

Here’s the first comment, with over 750 likes as of this writing:

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Here’s a few other Facebook reviews of Ghostbusters leveled at Mr. Aykroyd from people who have not seen Ghostbusters.

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And no, of course the attacks at Aykroyd weren’t limited to one social media outlet. Twitter got in on the action, too.

Oh, the manguish!

(image stolen from Courtney)

Follow Dustin on Twitter.