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'Game of Thrones' Bad Photoshop: Puppy Edition

By Alexander Joenks | Game of Thrones | December 1, 2014 |

By Alexander Joenks | Game of Thrones | December 1, 2014 |

What began as a joke among the writing staff has become something so much more. We are pleased to present the Game of Thrones bad Photoshop puppy edition. I emphasize the word “bad” because I am under no illusions that I have anything more than an upstart amateur’s skill at such things. Also, to be entirely accurate, I’m far too cheap to bother buying Photoshop, so all this work was done in the open-sourced GIMP anyway, which is obviously the perfect image software for manipulating images of Tyrion anyway.

And I haven’t had this much fun since writing the Hot Pie’s Game of Thrones Choose Your Own Adventure, so there you go.

First up, we have the Mountain, in the image that prompted the original joke among the writers when there was semantic confusion about a picture of a puppy replacing a picture of a beheading, while certain easily confused writers thought it meant that it was replaced by a puppy doing the beheading.


Arya and the Hound, together of course, the scarred old dog and the rather vocal little runt.


There is really only one dog on the Internet that can capture Hodor’s particular joie de hodor.


And Sansa, elegant as always.


Of course Tyrion’s a bulldog.


Oh! How nice, the Freys were kind enough to photoshop Robb for me!
