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Kit Harington Makes Sure Those 'Game of Thrones' Spoiler Hits Keep On Coming

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | March 7, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | March 7, 2016 |

I don’t know if HBO’s Michael Lombardo pondered the jinx his Game of Thrones lockdown statement could bring; it seems like ever since he said nothing would be leaked, the series stars began dropping hints — er, flat out spoilers — across the interwebs. First, Ian McShane let fly with some juicy details about his character, and the return of someone thought dead. Now, in what may be an accidental slip, Kit Harington may have jokingly confirmed some suspicions we’ve had.

I’ll give you the obligatory ***Spoiler Warning, just in case you’re somehow not all caught up through the last season finale events, and in case this does turn out to be a Spoiler***


Let’s just first acknowledge that nobody but Kit Harington has believed Kit Harington’s claimsnor others’ — that Jon Snow is dead. There are several scenarios through which the character could somehow live on;

a) Melisandre (Carice van Houten) will bring Jon back to life, or

b) Jon warged into Ghost, or

c) Jon is Azor Ahai; after all, he did kill a White Walker

d) Jon is a Targaryen who will rise from the ashes of his funeral pyre (lent some credence by the Season 6 inclusion of a ***Vague Spoiler! *** Tower of Joy flashback scene),

all feature Snow being miraculously brought back to life. But, according to Harington, Snow is dead, dead, deader than dead. Until now…when (though he’s still claiming his character dead) the actor may have slipped during a lighthearted chat with Time Out London. Here’s the exchange:

Kit Harington: “Look, I’m not in the show any more. I’m definitely not in the new series.”

Time Out: “So you didn’t film any new scenes?”

KH: “I filmed some scenes of me being dead - [jokily] it’s some of my best work.”

TO: “Do you know what happens in the series or have you lost your privileges?”

KH: “I don’t have a clue. I know how long I’m a corpse for, but I can’t tell you that!


Wait, what? You know how long you’re a corpse for? Pardon me, but don’t most corpses stay corpses forever? A dead body is a dead body through eternity, isn’t it? Well, unless that dead body is somehow returning to life — either as himself, or resurrected (by Melisandre) …or a different being/body (Ghost), or someone reincarnated (Azor Ahai).


Make of it what you will, but I think Harington just gave himself away.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)