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'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Delayed By ... Winter

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | July 6, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | July 6, 2016 |

Game of Thrones typically kicks off on HBO in April of each year, but showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss do not expect to hit that date in 2017. Unfortunately, while Winter is Coming on the series, the grey and snowy weather are lagging behind where shooting is taking place.

“We don’t have an air date yet, but this year will likely be a bit later.” The pair told the UFC Unfiltered podcast. “We’re starting a bit later because, you know, the end of this season, winter is here, and that means sunny weather doesn’t serve our purposes anymore, so we pushed back everything down the line to get some grim, grey weather, even in the sunnier places that we shoot.”

Recall, however, that there are only between 13 and 15 episodes left of the series, so the next season of Game of Thrones was likely to be shorter than the typical 10-episode season anyway. In other words, though Game of Thrones may start later than usual, it may still end around the same time.

via Verge