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The 'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Trailer May Hold An Important Clue to Jon Snow's True Identity

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | February 15, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | February 15, 2016 |

Over the weekend, HBO released a puzzling Season 6 trailer that at first glance, seems to reveal very little. In fact there isn’t any true new footage. But, if we dig a little beyond the obvious, there’s an interesting reference, and perhaps a clue about who Jon Snow really is. Before we go on, here’s your ***Spoiler Warning: Some of what I’m referring to is taken from GRRM’s Song of Ice and Fire, and though it’s only theory, if you’re avoiding book stuff, there be mild Book Spoilers ahead, as well as discussion through GoT Season 5.***

First, the trailer:

You’ll recognize the Hall of Faces from Arya’s adventures with the Faceless Men, Jaqen H’ghar and the Waif. Among the masks are a few characters who’ve died — Ned, Robb and Catelyn Stark, Joffrey Lannister — and then our old friend, Jon Snow. After Jon, we see several faces, all still alive as of Season 5: Tyrion, Sansa and Arya, Cersei, Daenerys, and Jaime. On the surface, the message is: no one is safe. Hidden within, there may be another clue in what we hear Jon say: “The Long Night is coming, and the dead come with it.”

Here come the ***Mild Book Spoilers***

The Long Night to which Jon refers was the period — lasting a generation — during which the Others laid waste across the known world, and from which emerged the legendary figure of Azor Ahai. According to stories, armed with his magical sword Lightbringer, Azor Ahai helped defeat the Others, and there is a prophecy this hero will someday be reborn. For a time, Melisandre was convinced Stannis Baratheon was his reincarnation, but of course now we all know better. As of “Hardhome,” when Jon Snow did battle with, and Longclaw showed a White Walker what’s what,


many fans have had increasing suspicions about the Lord Commander.

When last we saw Melisandre, she was arriving at Castle Black; here she is in one of the Season 6 photos recently released:


Putting together Jon’s reference to the Long Night with events we’ve seen and the book prophecy, it’s quite possible that the long held theory that Melisandre will resurrect Snow is about to happen. This allows for Kit Harington’s, HBO and other cast claims that Snow is really dead , while also accounting for Harington’s continued on-set and Season 6 promotional presence. We may be about find out (or at least able to infer) that Snow is indeed Azor Ahai reincarnated.

Game of Thrones returns April 24th.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)