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'Golden Girls' Cereal is a Thing We Have Now

By Kate Hudson | Food Porn | October 18, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Food Porn | October 18, 2018 |


If you’re the type of person who lays awake in bed at night, restless in the knowledge that your life is perfect except for the fact you can’t eat a Golden Girls-inspired cereal for breakfast occasionally … well, your long waking nightmare is over, friend. For the rest of you, this won’t really qualify as pressing news.

For whatever reason, Target is selling Golden Girls cereal that comes with a little Rose toy, because as my granny always said: A little miniature Betty White goes with everything.

The cereal, which is being lamented on Twitter as not cheesecake flavored, is fairly hard to find, which is tough news for people who intersect that sweet spot of Golden Girls fans, and fans of bright blue cereal that looks like a Foot Loops knockoff.

If you’re asking yourself why now, that makes two of us! This is all the brainchild of the toy company Funko that makes those cartoon collectible dolls that people, like my ex who liked to make doll clothes, collect. Sure, it feels like a bit of a throwback to the ’80s when all our favorite shows had cereals you could buy—and yes, one could argue that since the Golden Girls never got in on that action to begin with, they’re a prime candidate for it now. It just begs the question—does the cereal actually taste good?

So far, my research is turning up nothing, because very few people are able to get their hands on the Golden Girls cereal (and I’m guessing of those that do, they probably aren’t eating the cereal, due to the box being a collector’s item or something along those lines.)

All I know is, if you’re someone who has always really wanted to eat mass-produced processed sugar in homage to Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia, this is the closest opportunity you’ll get for a while.

Also, apparently Funko has cereal in homage to Batman, and Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. Word on the street from a competitor is, they’re not so grrrrrrreat! Take that review with a grain of salt, though.

Personally, I just wish they’d bring back Urkel o’s or Fruit Brute.