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Trailer: Netflix's 'Red Notice' Starring Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson, and Gal Gadot

By Dustin Rowles | Film | September 2, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | September 2, 2021 |


I understand and appreciate how important the theatrical experience can be, but I also ain’t mad that Netflix has gotten into the blockbuster movie game. If they want to spend $160-200 million for a big, action-comedy-heist featuring three of the biggest stars on the planet that we can watch from the safety of our living rooms during a pandemic, I say: Bless. Thank you. I could take my family to see it in the theater and risk exposure to COVID, or I can spend the same amount of money for six months of my Netflix subscription and watch a big, original action movie on a nice couch that doesn’t smell like a dead fart that’s been lingering for a decade.

Red Notice comes from our friend Rawson Marshall Thurber (Dodgeball, Central Intelligence), who reteams with Dwayne Johnson for the third time. Ryan Reynolds plays a master criminal who appears to be teaming up with FBI’s top profiler (Johnson) to take down another master criminal (Gal Gadot). There’s a lot of explosions, wisecracks, and a helluva high-kick from Gal Gadot.

It looks fun, and we could seriously use some of that right now.

Red Notice premieres on Netflix on November 12th.