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The Trailer for the 'Luther' Movie Doesn't Look a Lot Like a 'Luther' Movie

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 9, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 9, 2023 |


The trailer for the forthcoming Luther movie looks like a lot of things, but Luther is not chief among them. When last we left Luther (Idris Elba), he was being perp-walked, taken down by his own reckless mistakes and by Alice, who had also fallen to her death. In Luther: The Fallen Sun, Elba’s character begins the movie in prison, but he manages to escape and transform a Luther movie into an Elba-led The Fugitive. Luther has to track down a serial killer (Andy Serkis) before the coppers (Cynthia Erivo) capture him.

It doesn’t look bad, at all. It just doesn’t look very Luther-y. Luther was bleak and character-driven, and here it looks more expensive and action-driven. In fact, before it begins streaming on Netflix on March 10th, the streaming service will release it into theaters on February 24th, presumably to show off those special effects. I love Luther (although with diminishing returns), but needing to see it in theaters is not anything I ever expected to say about the Idris franchise.

Here’s the trailer. Watch it.