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The Trailer for Bradley Cooper's 'Maestro' Is Painfully Awards Thirsty

By Dustin Rowles | Film | October 25, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | October 25, 2023 |


I like Bradley Cooper. I loved A Star Is Born. I am rooting for Cooper to someday get that Oscar he so desperately wants. But that day is not today, because Maestro looks try-hard, what with the black-and-white and the makeup effects and the kind of artistic, historical figure that Oscar voters love. It’s too much, and also, based on Jason’s unimpressed review, it’s not about Leonard Bernstein’s career. It’s about his love life.

Here’s the trailer.

Cooper is gonna get a Best Director win someday — and this one will almost certainly merit a nomination — but it’s going to come when he least expects it, when — like Leo — he decides to let a bear fuck him in the woods. That’s how you get an Oscar, folks. Brad Cooper just needs to do the sequel for Cocaine Bear with a gritty ’70s aesthetic and told from the perspective of the bear.

Maestro is in select theaters on November 22 and on Netflix on December 20.