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Ant-Man Exploding Thanos' Butt Has Its Own Song Now, Naturally

By Mike Redmond | Film | April 8, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Film | April 8, 2019 |


So I think I speak for every man, woman, and child when I say that the Ant-Man exploding Thanos’ butt theory is easily the greatest thing to happen to the Marvel Cinematic Universe until Steve and Bucky finally kiss. The theory has everything: A butt, Ant-Man, things happening to that butt. I can’t oversell it enough.

But like all good memes, it was only a matter of time until someone set it to music, which brings us to “Get Small” by Bonecage. Right up front, I’ll admit that there’s a whole lot of shark-jumping going on here because this song could’ve easily been two minutes shorter, and we’d all be richer for it. That said, I’ll be damned if I can’t stop mouthing the words, “I’m gonna get real small and crawl inside your butthole, crawl inside your butthole,” so there’s no way that doesn’t manifest itself in a fun phone call from my kid’s school. My parenting is on fleek.

Anyway, please try and forget you saw this the next time I write about something serious like a massive plagiarism ring or Elisabeth Moss trying to pretend she doesn’t endorse a religion that believes alien ghosts crawl up John Travolta’s butt and turn him into a goose-monster around male masseurs.

(Did I wake up this morning with the intention of connecting the Thanos butt theory to Scientology? I did not, and yet, here we are. Is this how Mozart felt when he sat down at a piano? I’m gonna say yes.)

Source: AV Club

Header Image Source: Marvel