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Sebastian Stan Found a Way to Completely Sap Away His Sex Appeal

By Dustin Rowles | Film | April 11, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | April 11, 2024 |


Sebastian Stan, the hot guy with the amazing forearms known for his work as Bucky Dent in the MCU and for his large, uh, drumstick as Tommy Lee in Pam and Tommy, is a really good looking man. What could possibly sap all that sex appeal away, so much so that not even the thirstiest Pajiba commenter would say, “Still would”?

Playing Donald Trump, of course. Here’s the first look at The Apprentice. Shudder.


The Apprentice, which will premiere at Cannes, centers on Donald Trump and the “Faustian” bargain he made with his mentor Ray Cohn to become the man he is. Cohn is played by Jeremy Strong, as seen above. Hilariously, Maria Bakalova — the woman who Rudy Giuliani thought was going to give him a handjob in Borat 2 — is Ivana Trump. The pic comes from director Ali Abbasi (Shelly) and writer Gabe Sherman (The Loudest Voice).

A Donald Trump film seemed all but inevitable, but did they have to ruin Sebastian Stan like that?