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Charlie Day Gives the Silent Treatment in the Trailer for the Star-Studded 'Fool's Paradise'

By Dustin Rowles | Film | April 11, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | April 11, 2023 |


Charlie Day has been talking about Fool’s Paradise since the pandemic, and I even recall hearing him on a podcast suggest that it would probably end up on one of the streamers. Roadside, the studio behind it, however, thinks it’s worthy of a theatrical release. It has star power, in that Day called in his Horrible Bosses pals, Jason Sudeikis and Jason Bateman, as well as wife, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, college friend Jimmi Simpson, co-star Glenn Howerton, and a bunch of familiar faces, like Adrian Brody, Common, John Malkovich, Edie Falco, Jillian Bell, Kate Beckinsale, Travis Fimmel, and the late, great Ray Liotta.

In the film, Day goes full Chaplin as a man recently released from a mental health facility who does not speak. He happens to look exactly like a method actor who refuses to leave his trailer. “With the help of a powerful producer, the publicist helps the man become a huge star, even marrying his beautiful leading lady. Their adventures lead them to cross paths with drunken costars, irreverent unhoused action heroes, unpredictable directors, super agent, and power-mad moguls.” Fame and fortune are not all they’re cracked up to be, and the two men must fight their way back to the things that matter the most.

Written and directed by Charlie Day, Fool’s Paradise looks like a blast, and here’s hoping it can find some breathing room on May 12th up against the second weekend of Guardians of the Galaxy III and the opening weekend of, uh, Book Club: The Next Chapter.