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Twitter Users Ponder Which Film Role Was 100% Perfectly Cast

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | April 11, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | April 11, 2023 |


By no means a novel topic, but nevertheless a bountiful well worth returning to, the topic of great casting was on Twitter’s mind recently again. Casting can make or break a production. Being able to see what a particular performer might be able to bring to a role, and to tenaciously follow the courage of those convictions, sometimes against all received wisdom and even powerful system pushback, might be one of the most underrated skills in the industry. So let’s take a minute to bask in the glorious chain of decisions and events that led to some of the finest role/performer combinations that ever were—or at least the subset of those that the hive mind of Twitter felt like spitting out this time: