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Hugh Jackman Claws His Way Into The MCU In New 'Deadpool & Wolverine' Trailer

By Andrew Sanford | Film | April 22, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Film | April 22, 2024 |


Logan hit theaters seven years ago. You read that correctly. Hugh Jackman’s last turn as the claw-bearing Wolverine is old enough to ride a bike. The James Mangold-directed film felt like a proper send-off for the character. He was, after all, the character in the FOX-produced X-Men films who was given the most attention. The X-Men movies often felt like Wolverine movies, so why not give him his own vehicle to drive off into the sunset?

To paraphrase a quote from everyone’s favorite Godfather film, “Just when he thought he was out, Deadpool has pulled him back in.” Hugh Jackman is back, perhaps not as the Wolverine we know, running through the rubble of his former franchise. Since it was announced, excitement for this film has been palpable. A Hugh Jackman return seemed inevitable since the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, but I don’t think anyone expected him to make his journey with Deadpool.

The Deadpool films are, notoriously, R-rated. Logan was rated R as well. The MCU is decidedly not. We can see alien creatures decapitated and hear endless dick jokes, but that’s as far as it goes. But Kevin Feige didn’t get where he is by denying what works (for the most part). If Deadpool is coming to the MCU, he’s bringing f-bombs and fisting jokes with him (just not cocaine).

Wolverine was more obscured in the first trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine. The focus was more on Ryan Reynolds’s Merc with a Mouth. The claws are out in the newest trailer. We learn more about Jackman’s mutant megastar or at least this version of him. The plot details are still light. For everything we do learn, it feels like even more is being kept from us.

We’ll have to wait until July 26th to get answers, but there are plenty of easter eggs to find in this trailer. There’s even a reference to Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld’s inability to draw feet! Certainly, that will be the tip of the iceberg.