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What Are You Doing, Chloe Bennett?

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |


I don’t know much about Chloe Bennet, aside from the two and a half seasons of Agents of SHIELD that I’ve watched, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She’s young, bright, attractive, and she has a steady gig.

So why the hell is she dating … Logan Paul?

Yes. Logan Paul. The guy who went to Aokigahara, better known as Japan’s Suicide Forest, and filmed a recently dead body hanging from a tree. The guy who then went on an apology tour to rehab his reputation and then got ads pulled from his videos just eight days later for tasering a rat.

He also uses the word bro an uncomfortable amount of times.

And for that, in 2018, Chloe Bennett will still be his girlfriend.

There’s video footage of them together from Instagram.

The world makes no fucking sense anymore.