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The Only Thing More Unsettling than Miley Cyrus' Topless Photos Is the Vile Internet Reaction to Them

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 4, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 4, 2013 |

The second batch of Terry Richardson’s photos of Miley Cyrus hit the Interwebs yesterday, and the ugly reaction was typical of the Internet. I’m not going to post the pictures (they’re easy to find); I’ll just say that they were not particularly classy or tasteful, Miley’s tongue was featured prominently; and because of the age differential between the photographer and the subject, they made me a little uncomfortable.

Not nearly as uncomfortable as the vile Internet response, however. I saw the initial Buzzfeed post on Facebook, and beneath it, there were around 1500 comments, ranging from “This is not shocking!” to “She needs help!” to variations on the slut-shaming theme. You’d think given the nature of Facebook, where people’s actual names were attached to the comments, that they’d be a little more reserved in their language and in their judgements. Not so! Apparently, anonymity is not necessary prerequisite to rampant assholery.

I made the mistake reading through those comments, and the things that I read were so much more upsetting, disturbing, and shocking than the actual photos. You’d think at some point, especially considering the insults that have been hurled at me and members of my family over the years, that I’d ceased to be shocked by the depths plumbed by various members of the Internet community, and yet, here we are. The Facebook idiocracy is so much more worrisome than the nude photos of a 20-year-old pop singer.

I’ve included a selection of the comments below, so you all can see what humanity is up against. Because their real names were used on Facebook, I’ve taken the liberty of including them here. It is my hope that Google searches from prospective employers or romantic interests will bring them to Pajiba, where they can see what they’re dealing with before they get involved.

Nelson Betancourt — This bitch didn’t read Sinead’s comments yet.

Simone De Camargo — She is just a sign of what is deeply wrong and gross about our society and culture. Disgusting bitch

Lou Cifer — This bitch needs Jesus

Seth J. Jones — Unless the next headline is Miley dies in a fire I’m not interested.

Mandy Kowalsky — Wake me when she overdoses.

Julia Sutowski — Pepperoni nips!

James Syring — Never go full slut. Everyone knows not to go full slut.

Dana Murray — She is a beast..Disgusting..and her ass is shameful for a young girl! Gross.

Lisa Cole — DIS-GUS-TING. Any parent that lets their kid idolize or listen to that piece of skank needs to have their head examined. Just think these photos will be out there forever. Her future children will be able to be proud of their mom….NOT!

Mary Charlotte Haussmann — “In what is being called a sad and desperate attempt be the most talked about celebrc**t out there, Miley Cyrus has now had her reproductive organs relocated to the outside of her body, and her head transplanted to her rectum.” Lol, I’m just waiting to see this story appear on MSN or CNN. Pathetic tw*t.

Karma Craig — OMFG!!! Can we say PROSTITUTE!!!!! SHe is now acting like a complete whore! My daughter is 100% banned from this mentally incompetent retarded little girl who has lost all sense of self respect and all (what little of it there ever was) her brain too. This Whore should be banned from the internet and tv and well, everything. Do you people really want to dish out your hard earned money for a floozie like this?! Her daddy and mother should be more than embarrassed by her petty, child-like antics by now!!!! I would be embarrassed to say I was from the USA if I was American. Good thing we only have Beiber to be embarrassed about, up here! You POOR Americans! First, Miley, then the gov’t shut down, now Miley Slutass again! I feel so bad for all the Americans right now. Your country is getting bombarded with embarrassment right now!

Beverly Reyes — Sick of this pathetic attention whore. seriously what’s with that tongue? she looks like a camel

Patrick Campbell Burner — What a whore!

Roslyn Eliot — I haven’t checked out the article. I figure if I just ignore her, she’ll go away… I won’t be buying any of her albums/songs, that’s for sure. I don’t willing support sluts/whores/skanks… you get the idea.

James R. Dunn — act like a slut… look like a slut…. must be a slut

Debbie Poulin — looks like she’s trying to get into a playboy or hustler magazine or maybe she just wants to bring her porn-self out…either way she’s a slutty looking little ho…I guess that’s the message she’s putting out

John T Switzer — A desperate butter-face…

Shirel Smith — I own goats. When the girl goats come into heat, the boy goats stick their tongues out of their mouths and they look JUST LIKE Miley Cyrus. There is a difference between a confident sexy woman and a skanky little girl trying to act like a sexy confident woman. She is not confident, in fact she looks very uncomfortable posing like that, which is probably why she is so not sexy.