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Sydney Sweeney Got Bit By a Huntsman Spider, and Watching It Is Intense

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 14, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 14, 2023 |


Most of us have probably seen the trailer for Anyone But You by now. The romantic comedy, out on the 22nd, stars Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney. The trailer does not look good, mostly because Sweeney does not have believable onscreen chemistry with Powell (despite off-screen rumors). With all due respect, she’s not a compelling romantic lead at all.

There’s a scene in the film in which Sweeney puts her arm around Glen Powell and finds a Huntsman spider on his back and freaks out. When they shot the scene, they used an actual Huntsman spider, which is not an aggressive spider but is venomous. During the scene, Sweeney’s character is supposed to have a big reaction, so no one realized at first that Sweeney was actually freaking out because the spider was biting her.

“The spider actually bit me in the middle of the scene, but nobody called cut because they thought I was just making a very dramatic, interesting choice in this scene,” she recalled.

“Glen was the only one who finally caught on — they thought I was acting but it actually bit me,” she said on Live with Mark and Kelly.

She brought footage of the spider bite to The Tonight Show, and though it’s brief, it’s intense. I could tell she had legitimately been bit because Sydney Sweeney is not this good of an actress.

Relatively harmless or not, who thought it was a good idea to let a Huntsman spider crawl all over the lead actress? This is what CGI is for, people!