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Stephen King’s Wife Almost Divorced Him Over His Love of ‘Mambo No. 5’

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | September 6, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | September 6, 2023 |


Was I the only one unaware of the rumors that acclaimed author Stephen King is a huge fan of Lou Bega? Well, in a turn of events more chilling than the plot of any book he’s ever written, the rumors are true. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone to promote his latest novel, Holly, King confirmed his Bega fandom and his obsession with Bega’s most famous song, “Mambo No. 5,” especially. It was his repetitive playing of that song specifically that almost pushed his wife over the edge.

“My wife threatened to divorce me,” King said. “I had the dance mix. I love those extended play things, and I played both sides of it. And one of them was just total instrumental. And I played that thing until my wife just said, ‘One more time, and I’m going to fucking leave you.’”

Now, I have never heard the dance mix of “Mambo No. 5” but if it’s anything like the original version of “Mambo No. 5,” I wouldn’t like it. If someone were going to divorce me over a song, it would probably be something by Taylor Swift, which is embarrassing but definitely not as embarrassing as the dance mix of “Mambo No. 5.” So, Tabitha King and I would get along. That said, “Tabitha” would fit into the song very well. “A little bit of Monica in my life / A little bit of Erica by my side,” something about Tabitha, you get it.

So, if Lou Bega felt like coming out of retirement, a collaboration between him and Stephen King in honor of Tabitha would sell like hotcakes. Make it spooky for Halloween and you’ve got the next “Monster Mash.” I’ll just need a producer’s credit for the idea. You’re welcome.