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Stan Lee Schools Michael Rooker and a Few Other Lame-Os on the Art of Cameo Acting

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | April 28, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | April 28, 2015 |

You’ve seen Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart give master classes on the fine art of acting, but come on — that’s just “acting acting.” You want to learn how to do a cameo, everyone knows there’s only one guy in town who can show you how to do it right: legend, and master cameo actor, Stan Lee. Take a moment to check out Stan the Man passing his knowledge on to the likes of Michael Rooker and Tara Reid, and you’ll be rewarded with a few tricks of the trade…and maybe an unexpected cameo or two.

Anger management, ha!



“I never studied anything like the Stan Lee method.”

Sure, it’s an undercover commercial, but it’s so damned good I’m going to watch it at least twelve more times.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) awaits the first commenter screaming that she called the fabulous Michael Rooker lame.