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Sophie Turner And Joe Jonas Duking It Out In Divorce Mediation

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 5, 2023 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 5, 2023 |

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It’s been exactly one month since Joe Jonas filed for divorce from Sophie Turner. Right out the gate, it was clear that Joe and his PR team were pushing the narrative that Sophie was a hard-partying, absentee mom to daughters Willa, 3, and Delphine, 1. Luckily, most people saw through that misogynist bullshit. Soon, Sophie clapped back with her own media moves. See: her night out with Joe’s other ex, Taylor Swift. She’s young, she’s fun, she’s free!

Over two weeks ago, Sophie, 27, sued Joe, 34, for the return of their two daughters to her home country, England. Sophie claimed her estranged husband was withholding their kids’ passports to prevent them from leaving the U.S. (Joe confirmed this). Sophie also said they’d both agreed to make the UK their family’s “forever home” before their marriage blew up in August. A few days after she filed the lawsuit, Sophie moved into one of Taylor Swift’s New York City apartments with the kids. They’ll live there until this messy divorce battle is settled.

On Tuesday, attorneys for the estranged couple appeared in Manhattan federal court for a pretrial conference. Both lawyers informed the judge that Sophie and Joe would be in meditation for four days beginning the next day, and expressed that their clients hope to work out a parenting plan for Willa and Delphine.

So, Day 1 of mediation began yesterday at the offices of Wilmer Hale in NYC’s Financial District. Sophie and Joe obviously arrived separately, and, eight hours later, paparazzi caught Sophie leaving the building on foot. She wore a cute green cable-knit sweater, white tee, and jeans (see header pic). Kudos to the Queen of the North for managing to keep her eyeliner perfectly intact throughout the entire mediation. Two hours after Sophie’s departure (hmmm), Joe was photographed exiting the building in a black SUV via a service driveway. Oh, so now he doesn’t wanna be photographed. Gotcha.

Sophie and Joe’s divorce trial has been set for January 2. This is a win for Joe’s side, as his lawyer asked the judge to set the date after his Jonas Brothers tour wraps up on December 9. Sophie’s lawyer had requested an earlier trial date, since the actress has “work commitments in the UK in January.” Alas…

Today is Day 2 of mediation. I have so many questions… what will Sophie wear? Will Joe hang out at the offices for an extra two hours again? What did they have for lunch? Do Sophie and Joe make eye contact? Small talk? Ah, to be a fly in that boardroom. Or, maybe not. In a fancy office like that, I’d probably get swatted immediately.