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Shailene Woodley Is a Great Example of Why We Need to Stop Interviewing 22 Year Olds

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 26, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 26, 2014 |

Shailene Woodley gave a typically hippiequirksical interview to Vanity Fair, and before we get into her misplaced do-goodery, let’s address the pirate prom dress in the room, shall we?

shailene VF.jpg

Because that dress looks AWFULLY FAMILIAR, no?

Okay, good. Now that that’s out of the way we can focus on Shailene’s new role as Controversy Crusader. After saying some misguided things about feminism and some great things about women, she’s now taken Miley Cyrus under her protective wing.

Miley isn’t rude or mean or cruel to anyone in her actions. She just does herself. And regardless of whether you agree with what she’s doing or not, it’s none of your business what she does. She’s not in the world doing mean things. Why are all these parents or all these people freaking out about Miley being herself? If you don’t want your kids to watch it, you know, you can change that situation at home, but don’t make a big deal of what she’s doing. Make a big deal about the bullies at school who are beating kids up.
Even ignoring the criticism Miley’s gotten for her flippant appropriation of “ratchet” culture (which may not be “rude or mean or cruel,” but is potentially hurtful), calling for people to stop being outraged at her antics is pretty blatantly missing the point of Miley Cyrus. Her entire career is based on that outrage. You’re not building a career based on your talent when you pour unnecessary autotune all over your songs, and you’re not trying to avoid sexual controversy when you hire Terry Richardson to direct your music video. That outrage is all she has. It’s basically her life force. There are a lot of people in Hollywood who could use a little defending, but Miley Cyrus probably isn’t one of them.

I don’t want to hate on Woodley. She seems like such a sweet kid, and her heart always appears to be in the right place. She is talented, beautiful, and refreshingly opinionated for a young actress. But she is also very young, and reminds me of that girl in every college dorm who just “discovered” feminism and veganism and Che Guevara. Most of her interviews just make me overwhelmingly grateful that no one was trying to make me the spokesperson for anything when I was 22.

Via VF.