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Rose McGowan Claims Her Agent Fired Her For Speaking Out Against 'Hollywood Bullsh*t'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 25, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 25, 2015 |

I have read a few interviews with Rose McGowan this week, as she’s out promoting a new movie, Dawn, which she directed. McGowan has been very outspoken about fame and the choices she’s made over the course of her career. She explained, in one instance, that she regretted doing the wrestling film, Ready to Rumble saying, “I threw the script in the garbage three times because that’s where it deserved to be. It was Ready to Rumble. It was a lot of money.”

What’s interesting in that interview is that McGowan seemed somewhat defensive about her choice not to appear in front of the camera anymore, insisting that it had nothing to do with anything other than the fact that she made the decision to quit acting. She’s been very busy with other pursuits, she told Defamer:

You don’t understand my life, first of all. I spent the last seven years dismantling…I have a very big life beyond what people see on the outside, including you. And that’s understandable because I never told anybody anything. I’m not one of those people that goes on TV and gives everybody updates on my current movements. I’m a businesswoman, I own a lot of businesses, a lot of real estate, I’m kind of a baller in many other worlds.

In that same interview, she also spoke out against the agent who told her that, if she did Ready to Rumble, she’d be put in an Eastwood movie next (which, as it turns out, was a lie):

[My agent] just didn’t care, and I mistook her for someone who was a strong woman. What she really was was a mercenary woman. And there’s a difference—and one who didn’t like me, either. A lot of agents aren’t supportive of their talent in any way.

McGowan also added that “nobody’s understood how to represent me,” and that “I currently have no representation other than my lawyer. I don’t need it.”

In short, she said that her agent was a mercenary who didn’t understand her, and that she no longer has an agent, all of which makes this Tweet kind of odd:

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I assume that the “Hollywood bullshit” to which she refers is the, uh, “helpful” casting note that Adam Sandler passed along, asking that the character wear an outfit that prominently displayed cleavage. That very well may be true, but the timing is also weird, coming not on the heels of the Adam Sandler tweet, but on the same day an interview came out in which McGowan not only slammed her agent but claimed not to have one anymore.

In either respect, best of luck to McGowan and her movie.