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Okay, You Think Jessica Lange Looks Like Caitlyn Jenner. She Gets It. You Can Stop Now

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 1, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 1, 2015 |

If you were a person existing in the world today, who also happened to know what the internet is, you definitely saw this picture:

And if you saw that picture, odds are good that you had the exact same thought as every other person. Namely, “Hey, she looks kinda like Jessica Lange.”

And when I say “every other person,” I mean EVERY other person.

The only person who DOESN’T seem to care about this? Jessica Lange. When asked by the Daily Beast for her thoughts on the comparison and the fact that she’s trending on Twitter because of it, her first response was a perfect “What does that mean?” Because if you imagine Jessica Lange has any interest in leaving the mint julep-laden sunporch I imagine she perpetually inhabits, just to sit around learning what Twitter is, you would be wrong.

You have to explain what that means to me… Trending on Twitter because Caitlyn Jenner on the cover—you see I don’t do any of this stuff, the Internet. So I have no clue when people use this terminology. I have to repeat it to understand.
When the silly mortal concept of Twitter was finally explained, she first just giggled for a while, then responded with absolute perfection.
Oh really? That’s so wonderful. Well now I’m going to have to look for that picture.
Of COURSE Jessica Lange is the only person who could avoid even seeing the original ubiquitous picture. And I think we can all agree that this was definitely said in her perfect drawl, sunglasses on, with a wave of her cigarette hand and possibly, if we’re lucky, maybe even a patronizing head pat. You know, before she continued to live her life not giving half a f*ck about our silly internet things. anigif_enhanced-buzz-20260-1384781718-10.gif