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'Ant-Man' Found the Only Thing That Might Make Us Care Even Less About 'Ant-Man'

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 1, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 1, 2015 |

I know I’m not alone in how badly I want to be excited about Ant-Man. And I’m also sure I’m not alone in how much I’m really just… not. We tried to give it the benefit of the doubt after Edgar Wright shipped out, but between that horrible first trailer and the not as horrible second trailer and Joss Whedon’s public perplexedness and the fact that WE MISS EDGAR WRIGHT (not to mention the Marvel fatigue many of us are feeling after the mess that was Age of Ultron), it’s hard to maintain much enthusiasm for this project.

But that doesn’t mean Marvel isn’t trying. If there’s one thing these movies love, it’s the incestuous crossover references/Easter egg/inside jokes. From the sound of it, there will be a LOT of those in Ant-Man. And according to a rumor at the Latino Review, some of those references will be to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest acquisition: Spider-Man.

We’ve heard an unconfirmed rumor there is “lots of” talk of/references to Spider-Man and OsCorp in the current version of Ant-Man.

Corey Stoll’s villainous businessman Darren Cross is attempting to sell the Ant-Man/Yellowjacket weapons technology to other corporations and organizations. The Ten Rings from Iron Man and Roxxon, a Marvel Comics corporation that has been name-dropped in all 3 Iron Man movies, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Daredevil and a Marvel One Shot. This scene would be an excellent opportunity to introduce OsCorp into MCU.

Spidey was set to debut or at least be mentioned in Captain America: Civil War, so if this is true, these would be the MCU’s first Spider-Man teases. The thing is, Spider-Man may have even less excitement surrounding him than Ant-Man right now. I don’t think the internet has produced a single article in the last five years mentioning Peter Parker without its comment section devolving into talk of how sick people are of the guy (3..2..1.. GO). Does the tease of a Spidey reference bolster ANYONE’S interest in this movie?