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Multi-Millionaire Chip Gaines Thinks ‘Everybody’s Got Money’

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 12, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 12, 2024 |


Chip Gaines, one-half of Fixer Upper, the former HGTV show that influenced homeowners everywhere to cover their walls with old wood and turn their books backward on their shelves, has gotten himself in trouble on Twitter … over basketball.

Gaines is a religious zealot who kinda sorta got in trouble, alongside his wife Joanna Gaines, in 2021 for potentially being racist and homophobic.

“As an American white male, it’s hard to be perfectly diverse. In our own company, we’ve got nearly 700 employees, and one of our biggest passions is making this group represent all people,” he said at the time.

But people were mostly like, “Eh, who cares?” And then they started a TV network and basically bought Waco, Texas, and turned it into a quasi-farmhouse hellscape. Their estimated net worth is a cool $50 million, and Gaines even wrote a book about business, Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff.

So, you know, he’s got money. And as far as he’s concerned, so does everyone else.

The whole thing started on X with an argument over whether Baylor University’s head basketball coach, Scott Drew, might leave the university, Gaines’s alma mater, for greener basketball pastures, whatever those may be (I am not a basketball fan and simply want to watch Chip Gaines burn). Gaines is confident Drew will remain loyal because he doesn’t think the man cares about the money, frankly, and because God himself wants the team Gaines roots for to prosper because I guess he’s got a direct line to the big man upstairs. More specifically:

People were obviously outraged by such an out-of-touch comment and told him so, but he responded by saying he would … send them money?

It’s the #makeKindnessLoud for me. Everyone go tweet at Chip Gaines and ask him for money, then donate it to funds supporting teaching critical race theory in schools, which the Gaineses have made donations against.