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Megan Ganz Calls Out Dan Harmon's Abusive Behavior and Rightfully Refuses Him Absolution

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 3, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 3, 2018 |


Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone when you know you were in the wrong, and you desperately want to to make amends, but she flat-out refuses to forgive you?

That’s what happened to Dan Harmon on Twitter. He found himself apologizing to a former Community writer, Megan Ganz — who we love, and who has since gone on to It’s Always Sunny, Modern Family, and Last Man on Earth — for his shitty, abusive behavior on the set of Community.

She would not give him the satisfaction of forgiveness, and you know what? From what I can glean here, he doesn’t deserve it. Great writer, brilliantly creative, but Harmon needs to sit in his shame, and stew in his guilt. Here’s how that back-and-forth went down:

I’m a chickensh*t when it comes to confrontation, and I would have immediately absolved Dan Harmon, because I know that’s how I am. Megan Ganz is a far stronger, braver person, who rightfully refuses to let him off the hook, given the years she was tormented by Harmon and the five years she’s had to sit with it. And look: Dan Harmon admitted himself that he was a shitty dude in 2017. It’s been four years since Ganz left Community. Harmon clearly had not changed, so why the hell should she forgive him?

via Jezebel