By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 17, 2018 |
By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | December 17, 2018 |
Some Kates have all the luck. A Kate Hudson (but not the Kate Hudson, if you know what I mean) announced on Sunday that she was becoming a Weight Watchers Ambassador and sealed the deal by getting to facetime Oprah Winfrey.
Now, I’m not saying I’ll join Weight Watchers to meet Oprah, but I will definitely do that if I get to facetime with her. I have so many questions for her, Oprah is the best.
You can watch the video above and hear Kate’s reasons for wanting to get healthy, blah blah blah, but let’s be honest. She just had a baby. It’s her body, so she can do what she wants with it, but our society pressures women to “lose the baby weight” ASAP to show that they’re still marketable. She mentioned she’s filming a movie in the spring next year, so she has to get back to pre-baby weight in order to work, regardless. God forbid a woman’s body changes after she literally creates life within it; so, she might as well get paid to do it, right?!
I don’t think we’re going to be able to solve the horrible pressure put on women’s bodies to look a certain way any time soon. Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes, so if this Kate Hudson becoming an Ambassador helps anyone make lifestyle changes that help them become healthier versions of themselves, cool. That said, just like her body is her own, the same goes for everyone else. Everyone should feel free to entirely ignore the pressure put upon them to look a certain way, because learning to tune that crap out is a very excellent life skill that will serve you well.
That said, I’ve got some tough decisions coming up, because a precedent has been set for Oprah talking to women named Kate Hudson once they join Weight Watchers, and I very much want to know what candles she would recommend to keep around the house so…I don’t know. Gonna have to think deep on this one.
No word on what the other, other Kate Hudson (Katy Perry) thinks about all of this, but I’ll be sure to update if she weighs in on the topic of Kate Hudsons joining Weight Watchers and meeting Oprah.