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John Travolta Defends Scientology Against Accusations Made by 'Going Clear'

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | April 7, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | April 7, 2015 |

Both before and after the premiere of Going Clear on HBO, the Church of Scientology worked tirelessly to control the narrative, largely by smearing those interviewed in the documentary with a series of videos created by an organization that calls itself Freedom Media & Ethics. Included among those videos was the sister of Paul Haggis, who trashed her brother for speaking out against the church. Another video claimed that the father of the director, Alex Gibney, was a covert CIA operative (which, as far as I’m concerned, slightly improves the reputation of Gibney).

While Danny Masterson has publicly defended the Church against accusations made by the documentary, none of the high profile members — specifically Tom Cruise and John Travolta — have yet to speak out. Until now.

“I haven’t experienced anything that the hearsay has [claimed], so why would I communicate something that wasn’t true for me?” Travolta said in an interview with The Tampa Bay Times about the documentary.

As far as the allegations that both he and Cruise are unable to speak out against the church because the church is blackmailing them with scandalous secrets, Travolta denied that, too.

“It wouldn’t make sense, nor would it for Tom [Cruise], I imagine. I’ve been so happy with my [Scientology] experience in the last 40 years that I really don’t have anything to say that would shed light on [a documentary] so decidedly negative.”

“Hang up the phone now, John,” you could presumably hear David Miscavige utter in the background, while holding a box of file folders detailing Travolta’s lurid history of hair pieces. “You’ve said enough.”

via Fox News