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J.K. Rowling Performs Another Magical Twitter Takedown, and Swaps Evil Pet Stories with Stephen King

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 19, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 19, 2016 |

When are the Twitturds going to learn not to mess with J.K. Rowling? She may appear to be a dainty English rose, but the author will put down a trolling Twitterer without batting an…actually, she’ll bat one over the head before he knows what hit him. It’s always best if one can shut someone down with a little style and grace, and Rowling has proven she’s mastered the art. Case in point; when someone barged into her Twittversation with Scottish Parliament member, Natalie McGarry (who later deleted her comments, but that’s a whole other politically charged story), Rowling threw out a favorite Chamillionaire lyric and promptly took him down. Apparently author and activist Kevin Williamson is not a Rowling fan, and he popped by to drop his wisdom on McGarry,

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to which Rowling amusingly replied:

Fans must have carried her response back to the source, because not long after, Chamillionaire high-fived Rowling’s takedown.

Moving Ridin’ right along, in other Twitterventures with Authors, Rowling lamented a work slowdown due to her persnickety pooch.

Stephen King dropped by to commiserate.

Better down a well than a storm drain, amirite?


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)