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Jerrod Carmichael Calls Dave Chappelle an ‘Egomaniac,' Gets Rejected by Tyler the Creator

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 4, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | April 4, 2024 |


I watched the first episode of Max’s Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show this week because my kid was like, “Hey, Dad! Did you hear about what Tyler the Creator did to some stand-up comedian?” After I got over the fact that he knows who Tyler the Creator is but not Jerrod Carmichael, I watched, out of a sick curiosity, Carmichael — in his reality show — relay an anecdote in which he reached out via text to his longtime friend, Tyler, to let him know that he had romantic feelings for him.

“Hahahahaha. You stupid bitch,” is how Tyler responded to Carmichael, and that’s how he left Carmichael hanging. “I fell in love with my best friend. 1 out of 10, don’t recommend,” Carmichael joked. The first episode of the reality series sees Carmichael deal with the uncertainty of Tyler’s feelings before eventually confronting him about them on camera in what is an even more awkward, in-person exchange.

“I feel like you left me hanging out there,” Carmichael said.

“Getting news like that and then avoiding it is a way to avoid change,” Tyler responds. “And now we’re here, and I still don’t know how to respond.” Tyler eventually told Carmichael what the rest of us probably knew based on the initial “You stupid bitch” response: That he doesn’t think of Carmichael that way.

“Are you wanting the same thing from me? You tell me that, and I’m like, nah, not like that. That’s like a brother,” he says. “That man’s like family. Truly like family. Like a true brother.” When food arrives, somehow, the scene gets even more awkward.

@divinitycb Tyler is literally a menace but i respect how he explained seeing Jerrod as a brother. #jerrodcarmichael #tylerthecreator #emmys #jerrodcarmichaelrealityshow #hbo #thecarmichaelshow ♬ original sound - divinitycb

All of that happens in the first episode of the Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show if you are wondering whether the series is worth watching. I am hooked. Carmichael brings the same intimacy to the reality series that he does to his stand-up act, bits of which are interspersed through the episodes.

Separately, in an interview with Esquire, Carmichael expounded on his beef with Dave Chappelle, which began when Carmichael criticized Chappelle, suggesting that his legacy “is a bunch of opinions on trans shit. It’s an odd hill to die on. And it’s like, ‘Hey, bro. Who the fuck are you? Who do you fuck? What do you like to do?’”

Chappelle didn’t take the criticism kindly, according to the Esquire piece.

“He took it as ‘Fuck Dave Chappelle,’ because he’s an egomaniac,” Carmichael said. “He wanted me to apologize to him publicly or some shit.”

Clearly, that’s not going to happen, but we’ll keep an eye on his reality show just in case he has more thoughts on Chappelle.

Source: Esquire