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James Acaster Tells Dave Chappelle Where To Stick His Anti-Trans Act

By Petr Navovy | Celebrity | October 27, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | Celebrity | October 27, 2021 |


You might’ve noticed a certain rich and famous comedian recently using his huge platform in a very responsible and vital way: to shovel shit downhill at transgender people. It’s a very popular pastime these days. Just take a look at the UK—AKA Rainy TERFisland—where pretty much the entire spectrum of mainstream media is locked in an intense competition to see who can out-bigot everyone else when it comes to reporting on one of the most vulnerable groups in society today.

Ah, yes, clearly a coddled and privileged people who need to be taken down a peg or two!

Dave Chappelle’s hateful and unfunny TERF turn is as depressing as it is predictable. For a class of comedian of a certain age and material position, using transgender people as a cheap punchline to non-existent ‘jokes’ has become as popular a crutch as using disabled people or people of a minority race used to be. To counter that, here’s an actually funny comedian, James Acaster, with a clip taken from a 2019 performance of his ‘Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999’ special, in which he eviscerates this practice. Acaster’s official YouTube channel uploaded this clip two days ago, and you know that’s not by accident.

And hey, here’s another comedic voice—almost THE comedic voice in some respects—calling down to us from across the ages with a similar point:

I love it when the Right try to claim Carlin. It betrays such a fundamentally shallow, vacuous level of thinking that it’s almost adorable. Because I need zero excuse to post this, here’s a reminder of that time Carlin tore into the Boomer mentality.