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It Has Been A Bad Week. Let's Take A Break With Some Hot Feminists

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 28, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 28, 2015 |

Has your week been as rough as mine? Mainly all of the horrible horribleness that’s resulted from the living nightmare that is the Duggar family? Yeah, it’s been bad.

Not just that awful feeling that comes with knowing that several small children have been abused, but the overwhelming terribleness that is represented by the sexual abuse. A patriarchal culture that so devalues women that they teach young girls not to “tempt” the men around them, and protects men at all costs. I’d (foolishly) believed that even though sexism in the U.S. exists, it couldn’t possibly be that horrifically blatant. And that if it were, no one could possibly defend this bullshit. I was wrong. It feels awful and enormous and unmanageable. And I need a fucking break.

Luckily for me, the internet is almost always there to help.
Somebody said some sexist bullshit, and Tom Hardy. Shut. It. Down. Plus he was so pretty while doing it. Did you see his face? And his pillow lips? And the awesome things he said with his pillow lips? Amazing.

So because it’s summer (after Memorial Day is legally summer in Chicago) and because it’s nearly the weekend, we’re going to look at pictures of hot, smart people saying smart things about gender, sexism and feminism. You’re welcome.

Emma Watson
Emma Watson.jpg
I mean, goddamn.

John Legend
John Legend Text.jpg

Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler text.jpg

Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek.jpg

Joseph Gordon- Levitt
JGL Text.jpg

Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler Text.jpg

Ellen Page
Ellen Page Text.jpg

And one more for the road
Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy text.png