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Henry Cavill's Nerdiness Is Like a Jack Hammer to Your Pelvic Floor

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | August 12, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | August 12, 2015 |

It’s almost not fair, you guys! Not only does Henry Cavill get to be the handsomest motherfucker on planet, he backs it up with actual nerd credentials. Forget what you may think you know about him from Man of Steel, the man is actually hilarious, hot nut-smacking candy.

Take, for instance, his interview with Uproxx’s Mike Ryan. He’s out promoting Guy Ritchie’s Man from U.N.C.L.E., and although it was a movie I was already going to see, now I’m going to see it the second it opens. He and Armie Hammer are SPLENDID.

And yes, Cavill is a total nerd, wrapped inside the body of a Greek God. He’s like Adonis, with better hair and a larger package (I assume).

Cavill on being unexpectedly funny in U.N.C.L.E.:

My brother said the same thing. My brother, who watched the movie the other night was like, “When did you get funny?” I like, “Huh, okay; thanks, asshole.” [Laughs] Yeah, it’s very different. It’s a huge departure from Man of Steel and fun to do.

Cavill on World of Warcraft:

Cavill: I used to play a lot. I haven’t played in a long time. I heard it just got good again.

What’s more exciting: a Warcraft movie or your Batman v Superman movie?

Cavill: My Superman movie. [Laughs] Duh!

Hammer: [Laughs] He’s not getting paid for Warcraft!

Cavill: [Laughs] Yeah, Warcraft isn’t making me any money! But, yes, BvS, I’m really looking forward to. But with World of Warcraft, I’m excited to see what it’s like because that’s a hard thing to translate, and there are a lot of people who feel strongly about the lore in that, so we will see.


Cavill on THAT GIF and essentially confirming that it is what we think it is:

Well, based on that GIF that went around directly comparing the footage from the BvS trailer and Man of Steel, it just feels even more like a response. Did you see that GIF?


Cavill: [Laughs] I’ve seen a lot of GIFs.

He’s seen “a lot of GIFs, you guys! Maybe he reads Pajiba. Tell me more, Superman.


But this one is neat. It shows Ben Affleck in the street watching the building get torn apart, side by side with Michael Shannon in Man of Steel causing the damage and they match perfectly.

Cavill: Oh, cool.

Hammer: Oh, that is cool. That is very cool. That’s a little Easter egg.

So, it’s a direct reference to what happened in Man of Steel.

Cavill: You’ll see a lot of that.

Hammer: I was wondering about that in the trailer! I was like, that is a big building that just got chopped in half. And that’s from Man of Steel?

Cavill: That’s when Zod loses his mind and can’t control his heat vision and blasts everything out.

Finally, here’s Hammer and Cavill playfully giving Mike Ryan a hard-time about their “chemistry” on U.N.C.L.E.:

And the chemistry between you two helps drive this movie.

Cavill: We are scientists.

Hammer: Yeah, we are scientists. Alchemists.

Come on, that’s a word. It’s a clichéd word. Do you not like it?

Hammer: I have no problem with the word.

Cavill: I think it’s thrown around a little too much.

Oh, well, then you guys are just awful together.

Hammer: Okay, see, that’s the alternative. “Did you guys not like each other when you made the movie?”

You guys seem to be friendly now, but, on screen, it just didn’t work.

Hammer: Well, when we filmed the movie, we refused to be in the same room together and we did everything…

Cavill: Separately…

Hammer: Then they’d have to overlap them.

Cavill: It was like shooting The Hobbit



Go read the entire interview over on Uproxx, but make sure someone is around to catch you afterwards.
