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Emma Stone Would Love If People Would Call Her By Her Real Name

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | April 26, 2024 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | April 26, 2024 |


Emma Stone’s real name isn’t Emma Stone. It’s Emily Stone. When she registered for the Screen Actors Guild as a teenager, the name Emily Stone was already taken, so she had to change it professionally. She appeared in an episode of Medium as Riley Stone, but eventually settled on Emma. For years, the actress was cool with the name change. But, recently, she reached an Emma/Emily breaking point.

Emma and her The Curse co-star Nathan Fielder cover the new Hollywood Reporter. The interviewer refers to Emma as Emma, but, early on, Nathan informs everyone he’s gonna ride the Emily train:

“Before we continue, I’d like to say something. Her name’s Emily, but she goes by Emma professionally. So when there’s people that don’t know her, I end up saying Emma. But I’m going to just say Emily from here on.”

Emma Emily assures the interviewer, “You can say Emma. You can say anything.” When asked if anyone in the industry calls her Emily, she replies:

“When I get to know them, people that I work with do. It’s just because my name was taken [by another actress in SAG]. Then I freaked out a couple of years ago. For some reason, I was like, ‘I can’t do it anymore. Just call me Emily.’ Nathan calls me Em, which is easier.”

Nathan adds, “That’s a way of bridging it.” The interviewer asks Emmaly (that’s also a [worse] way of bridging it) if she’d correct fans who came up to her and called her Emily. She replied, “No. That would be so nice. I would like to be Emily.”

Time to shine a light on my bias: I’m an Emily. Always have been, always will be. And I know us Emilys would wholeheartedly support Ms. Stone if she submitted an official request to return to the fold. Hell, we need her. Hampshire turned out to be a dud, Ratajkowski exhausts me, and don’t even get me started on Dickinson (one word: DEAD). We deserve a double Oscar winner! We deserve Emily Stone! And you knooow the Emmas will be fine without her; they already got Thompson, Mackey, Watson, Bunton, etc. Spoiled rotten, those Emmas…