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Emma Roberts Thinks ‘Young Girls’ ‘Get It Harder With the Nepo Baby Thing’

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 28, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 28, 2024 |


Emma Roberts, niece of Julia Roberts and daughter of Eric Roberts, has thoughts about the whole “nepo baby” thing.

“People like to say, ‘Oh, you know, you have a leg up because you’re a family in the industry.’ But then the other side to that is, you know, you have to prove yourself more,” she said on the Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi podcast. (Hmmm … do you, though?) She added that, as a nepo baby, if the people you’re working with didn’t have a good experience working with your relatives, “You’ll never get a chance.”

“Everybody loves the kind of overnight success story,” she said, and if “you’re not the girl from the middle of nowhere that broke into Hollywood,” then there’s “an eye roll of like, ‘Well, your dad was this.’”

“I always joke, I’m like, ‘Why is no one calling out George Clooney for being a nepo baby?’ [His aunt] Rosemary Clooney was an icon. Young girls, I feel like, get it harder with the nepo baby thing. I don’t really see people calling out you know, sons of famous actors. Not that they should be called that. I don’t think anyone should be called out wanting to follow their dreams.”

She added that, as a nepo baby, people think you get everything you want.

“People kind of only see your wins because they only see when you’re on the poster of a movie. They don’t see all the rejection along the way…I think it’s important to talk about because otherwise people just think, ‘Oh, you know, everything’s been so great and linear and east, and it’s like, no…not at all. But of course it looks like that to the outside perspective or to the naked eye.”

I mean, listen…young girls face harsher criticism for just existing, whether they have famous parents or not. That much is true. In the immortal words of Charli XCX, “Girl, it’s so confusing sometimes to be a girl.” But…there are plenty of men/boys who fall into the nepo baby category who get just as much flack for it as Emma Roberts. Sorry, girl!