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Christian Bale Says George Clooney and Other Celebrities Should 'Shut Up' About the Tabloids

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 1, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 1, 2014 |

Christian Bale, who has a history of speaking his mind, even when that means pissing off his co-workers, took a shot at George Clooney and other celebrities who complain that the tabloids are invading their privacy.

George Clooney should “just shut up,” Bale said.

“It doesn’t matter that he talks about it.”

“It’s like, come on, guys, just shut up,” Bale continued. “Just get on with it and live your lives and stop whining about it. I prefer not to whine about it. Some people poke you like you’re an animal in a zoo, looking for a response. If you’re smart, you don’t give it to them. If you’re dumb, occasionally, like me, you give it to them. And then they’ve basically got what they wanted. I usually regret it afterwards.

On the one hand, he’s not wrong: Look at Matt Damon. What do we know about Matt Damon that he doesn’t want us to know? Nothing. He could be moonlighting as a serial killer, but we’d never know because Matt Damon doesn’t talk to the tabloids or the paparazzi.

On the other hand, Clooney, et. al have every right to speak their opinions about privacy and the paparazzi without some hot-head telling them to shut up. Come on, Bale! If you want to be invited to Ocean’s 14, you’re going to need to be a team player here, bruh.

In other news, Bale wishes he had girl children instead of boy children.

I love my boys, but sometimes I envy the parents of girls—little girls can be so cuddly and sweet. My boys are into a farting-in-your-face phase.

Farting in your face? That’s not a boy thing, man. That’s a parenting thing. You treat your kids like you treat your foleys, and I guarantee they won’t fart in your face anymore.

Source: WSJ